Monday, October 20, 2008

1st private trade of ATC

Another thing that happened today is I recieved Flickr mail for a personal trade
of this ATC I made on Saturday called First Love. This was very exciting to me because the only trades I've made before have been through Maggie's Monday Musings(MAMMA) which of course are exciting in their on right, but I have never been asked to do one personally. Felt really good. When I recieve my trade I'll let you all see.

Everything is new again!

Today I joined a new group called Paper Digital Art and Imagesbykim . Very exciting and it's all quite new to me. I don't know how you all keep up with everything. There is the creating, the challenges, Flickr groups, uploading the images, learning all th new lingo and gadgets, the discussions, and the list goes on and on and on...........! I am excited though it all seems so complicated now, but I'm sure like all things eventually it will be old hat. If anyone out there can relate I would Love to know about it. Enjoy your day or evening where ever you are.