Saturday, October 4, 2008

Wow is this FRUSTRATING!

I can't believe how frustrating this is! If anyone is reading this HELP! I cannot figure out how to get the comments enable. I've been trying since yesterday and can't get it. What is it I don't know that the rest of you do? Other than that I think I got things under control, but again you never know. If you happen on this and your a flickr friend please flickr mail to give me any suggestions. If you can, which I doubt leave a comment and then I'll know it's working.

"Beauty of the Soul"

I had gotten re-inspired by a new friend I found on Flickr(Vivi-Mari). This piece is postcard size(6"x4"), which is smaller than my orignal work, but I went to my own style. The insperation is of course Beauty, but it comes from inside us, not from the outside. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.


These 3 were made for "MAMMA's"
challenge "Matrimony".
I Love this challenge, I
thought I could go on
forever making them.
They are all ATC's(2.5"x3.5").
Again hand cut and past-
ed backgrounds, vintage images,
and words or sayings to card-

"Autumn" Wings

Well of course being oh so new to this, I was wrong and this was my 1st piece of the week, "Coffee" was 2nd. This piece was made for Sunday postcard Art, the challenge was "Autumn". I hand cut paste back ground and images to cardstock and hand wrote poem with calligraphy marker.

Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm very new @ blogging so I decided to start with 1st piece I made this week. I started to do art challenges when I joined Flickr. I'm Loving both the challenges and Flickr, I'm new to it also. So if you find this I hope you'll bare with as I get this Blog going. This was made for Think Monday Think ATC, challenge is "Coffee".

Under Construction

Well here I go I'm so confused about how to go about this but hopefuuly it won't take too long to figure it all out. Never having a blog or website before puts me at great disadvantage, Oh well! I'll just trying til I get right.